Developing On-Ramps into STEM Pathways

DVP-PRAXIS LTD is conducting an independent evaluation of PCCC’s STEM TRACS program to increase enrollment, completion, and transfer of students in Science, Technology. Engineering, and Math programs. Th evaluation includes both formative feedback on the implementation of the STEM TRACS grant program, and a summative assessment of participant outcomes. The summative assessment of participant outcomes will be examined through a quasi-experimental study of STEM Explorers Academy participants that will meet What Works Clearinghouse Evidence Standards with reservations, coupled with a longitudinal study comparing outcomes of STEM students enrolled during the grant period with a benchmark of STEM students from the previous three years. Formative feedback will be provided through an implementation study relying on qualitative data collected by the evaluation team via annual interviews and focus groups of students, staff and faculty, and supplemented by survey data to be administered to all cohorts of the STEM Explorer Academy students at two points in time. 

Project Term: 2022-2025

Client: Passaic County Community College (PCCC), Title V Grant

Methods: Quasi-experimental design, interviews and focus groups, survey design and administration

Romain McLean

Romain McLean is a creative connector inspiring entrepreneurs to bring their wildest dreams to life. Ni-Ce-Tees aligns with Romain’s life purpose, bringing value to people’s lives through creative inspiration and better marketing practices.

Increasing Student Connectedness in the Classroom


Building a Seamless Student Experience from Enrollment to Graduation